sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

Exotic species in New Zealand

Besides the incredible landscapes that make New Zealand a major tourist destination stands out also, in my opinion, the fauna that exists there, since it has unique species of animals in the world, among them is the “Kiwi”. The kiwi is not fruit commonly known because is a native nocturnal flightless bird with a long curved beak of the island, which is the official mascot and national symbol of the country. Its wings are only about 3 centimeters long and are useless, completely hidden under the feathers. The kiwi has no tail but does have very strong, muscular legs, which make up about a third of the bird’s total body weight, that are used for running and fighting.

In the same country also has the tuatara, are among New Zealand’s most famous animals, second only to kiwi. They are representative of ancient reptile that lives on earth today. They are called living fossils because they can live over 100 years, but are only found on offshore islands. 

The weta is an endemic insect with 190 million year old fossils, they look scary and are good fighters, but are not dangerous to humans. The weta have become icon for invertebrate conservation in New Zealand because many species are threatened or endangered. There are more than 70 species of weta in New Zealand, 16 of which are at risk.   

On the marine life we can find Hector’s and Maui’s Dolphin that can only be found off the Northland coast, recognisable by their rounded black dorsal fin. They are the most endangered marine mammal with less than 100 survivors and also they are the most smallest dolphin in the world.  Maui dolphins and Hector’s dolphins may look identical, but they are physically and genetically different from each other. Maui dolphins have larger skulls than Hector’s dolphins overall, and a longer, wider rostrum.

Well, it is true that there are many more species of animals in New Zealand, but these are the ones who most caught my attention.

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