viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

The United State of America- Discrimination problem against black people

Discrimination problem against black people 

The racial discrimination has been an issue since 1954, where it was created the “separate but equal “doctrine, this doctrine justify discrimination and segregation towards black people, having white and black people the same “service” , for example the school , but they had to be separate . A few weeks ago, I saw a movie called “The butler”, in this film I noticed the segregation against these people, in one of the scene from this movie, a group of black people came into a cafeteria and sat down in the place that was for white people, a waiter from the cafeteria say to them that they can´t sit down in that place so they have to change to be served. This group wasn’t changed of place, instead they held up in them sites, while the white people attacked them, shouted at them and threw them things.

It was surprising to me, what people did to others, treating them as if they were trash just because they have different skins colour, different beliefs, etc. The whole world is globalizing, and that means we have different cultures all over the world, I can understand why people continue to segregate others for being different, we all born like human being. Nowadays, people can´t stop talking about the conflict where a police officer killed an African American boy in the south of California because the police officer thought that this African American guy had a gun, but when this boy said to the man that he hasn´t got a gun, the police officer just shout him for no reason, my questions are, where are the limits in this situation? Is really necessary kill a person because a don´t like them? , how can we live in a world full of anger between human kinds? , why we put our envy against humanity? 

This topic always called my attention, because this discrimination problem is not only in the United State of America, but also in other countries, Chile one of them. The society was change since a few years ago and still has this issue. We need to change our mind, our way of thinking, we need to respect and love the person next to us, we all are human, we make mistakes and we are not perfect. We don’t need a civil right to treat a person better; we need to treat a person better because we are human beings.

3 comentarios:

  1. I have to admit that the video was quite shocking to me, not because of the violence, not for the aggressors' attitude, but for the fact that it happened only 60 years ago and that some people keep acting like this with Afro American persons. It's hard to understand why the racists can't see what you said on your entry; hate only gets us to loneliness, better to accept us with our differences.
    I really like your entry, Vivian. Thank you for sharing it!

  2. Thank´s Cat , this a really important issue for all of us not only for U.S.A and is not only a discrimination for the colour of our skin , but also a discrimination for gender, traditions, beliefs ,etc. So we need to we need to change our thoughts against others.
